Before and during the holidays I decided that putting myself on a super strict schedule was only way I was going to finish my thesis by the end of March. That meant saying, "no," when I usually would have said, "Yes! Sweet! I'd love to." No freelance. No volunteer work. No blogging. So far it's worked. I'm on schedule.

I did allow some time for a few new pieces for the
BANG! Arts launch party. I think these are a start to a new series...
I lurve this piece mamasita. It is sooo beautiful! I loooooove all your work but can I order it as a tatoo? If i were bald I'de have it tatooed from the neck up so that the wing would be on the side of my head. How wicked wouldat be? No ideas for you tho, I love your lady locks too much. Also, Rawk on for staying with tha dissertation and not losing track. I am also writing mine.... and def. being inspired by steadiness. By tha way, I dreamt last night that we were in London at an illustration show. But then I lost you in the crowd... lets skype soon. X G G